saturday i'm taking megan to disneyland as part of her christmas gift. we're going now so we can catch haunted mansion holiday and so i won't be totally broke like i normally am right after the holidays. everything's set. i've got dinner reservations for us at the blue bayou and we're going to make a full day out of it - open to close - sixteen hours of long lines and magic. the only downside is the matterhorn is closed, but that shouldn't ruin our day. i plan on lugging my sony and aiptek digital cameras along, so expect some pictures. now if you'll excuse me i've got some disney related information to brush up on. it's funny what comes back to you when you look over places like the disneyland information guide. i'm begining to remember all the little tips and tricks from when i worked there back in ninety.eight as a ride op on star tours.
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